Hill's Prescription Diet r/d Weight Reduction Feline / 希爾思貓用健康減重 4lbs (6158)
Hill's Prescription Diet r/d Weight Reduction Feline / 希爾思貓用健康減重 4lbs (6158)
Weight reduction
Just like the human epidemic, almost 50% of the pet population is overweight. Even a little extra weight can impact the pets quality of life and relationship with family because that extra weight can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your cat.
Hill's nutritionists & veterinarians developed Prescription Diet® r/d® clinical nutrition especially formulated to support your cat's weight management. In fact, r/d is clinically proven nutrition for healthy weight loss in just 8 weeks.
- Therapeutic L-carnatine levels
- Optimal blend of soluble & insoluble fiber
- Clinically proven antioxidants
- Helps metabolize fat and maintain lean muscle
- Helps your cat feel full & satisfied
- Supports a healthy immune system
Hill's Prescription Diet® r/d® Feline provides all the nutrition your cat needs during weight loss. Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet® foods can help your cat to continue to enjoy a happy and active life.
*Urine pH of individual cats may vary due to complicating factors such as time of feeding before urine collection, type of urine collection, individual animal variation, and test methodology.
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